Research Article | Open Access

Effect of Water Deficit on Yield, Quality and Water Productivity of Sugarcane

    Haitham Ageeb Mohammed Elbasheir

    Sugarcane Research Center-Guneid, Sudan

    Samia Osman Yagoub

    Department of Agronomy, College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum North, Sudan

    Salaheldin Ahmed Mukhtar

    Sugarcane Research Center-Guneid, Sudan

15 Apr, 2023
21 May, 2024
22 May, 2024

Background and Objective: In Sudan, sugarcane crop is exposed to a certain level of water deficit during particular periods, usually before and after the rainy season caused by technical problems with irrigation pumps. This shortage of irrigation water that occasionally happens with different levels is expected to reduce yield and quality. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of water deficit caused by wide intervals before and after rainfall on yield, quality and water productivity of plant cane. Materials and Methods: A field experiment was conducted during seasons 20108/19 and 2019/20 at Guneid Sugarcane Research Center Farm, Sudan. The experiment led to a randomized complete plot design with four replications. The treatments involved three levels of water deficit before rainfall; WDI1: 30 days, WDI2: 50 days, WDI3: 70 days and after rainfall; WDI4: 30 days, WDI5: 50 days WDI6: 70 days compared with control WDI0: 12 days. Cane yield and quality parameters were recorded. Results: The experimental results revealed significant effects on cane yield parameters. The quality parameters resulted in no significant difference (p<0.05) in plant cane crops. Treatment WDI1 gave significantly (p<0.05) the highest cane and sugar yield values. However, WDI3 and WDI6 treatments resulted in significantly (p<0.05) decreased in cane and sugar yield when compared with the other treatments. High values of water productivity were recorded when water deficit treatment was applied before rainfall. Conclusion: Water deficit treatments of 70 days before and after rainfall may be avoided in sugarcane irrigation scheduling. 

Copyright © 2024 Elbasheir et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 


Sugarcane (Saccharum offcinarum L.) is a field crop with a long growing season, normally 15 to 16 months and is grown between latitudes 35° north and south of the equator. Due to the high content of sucrose stored in the stalk. It is the first important crop in the production of sugar. It has been estimated that the total water requirement of a sugarcane crop varies from 20,000 to 30,000 m3/ha/year and it is tasrestimated that 12,000 to 13,000 m3 of water is required for a sugarcane crop of 12 months duration if used efficiently1. Sometimes sugarcane crop is exposed to a certain level of water deficit during particular periods, usually before and after rainy season caused by drops on irrigation pumps2,3. Water stress produced damage to crops and this damage depends on the stress duration, the crop and its development stage. The great damage to the productivity of stalks and sucrose is caused by longer and low water availability4. The crop growth pattern comprises three major stages, namely, early growth, grand growth and maturity growth5. The critical phases of cane growth were both tillering and elongation phases6. Kharif planted crop suffers due to water stress in its grand growth stage. The most important and sensitive phases were germination and tillering when exposed to soil moisture stress, which ultimately affects cane and sugar yield7. Thus, plants having different growth patterns result in different cane yields8.

The plant’s physiology, biochemical composition and sugarcane shape and structure are affected by sugar cane growth process6. Water stress affects biomass accumulation, the rate of water absorption, structural plant growth which changes the assimilation and sucrose accumulation7. The manner of production facing climate change in sugarcane management must promote an impellent efficient use of rainwater and minimize restrictive periods for crop development9. The most important factor reducing sugarcane production in the world is drought stress. Reduction in cane yield has been estimated at up to 60%10. In regions with high annual rainfall the water deficit is one of the main agriculture problems but with uneven distribution throughout the crop cycle, which has been intensified in crops under the influence of adverse climatic conditions3. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of water deficit caused by wide intervals before and after rainfall on yield, quality and water productivity of plant cane crops, Co 6806 cultivar.


Experimental site: A field trial was conducted at Sugarcane Research Center in the Guneid area during two growing seasons of 2018/19 started from 15/11/2019 and harvested after 15 months and 2019/20 started 15/11/2020 also harvested after 15 months. Guneid lies on latitude 14°S 48' and 15°0' N, Longitude 33°16' and 33°22' E and an altitude of 386 m above mean sea level. The soils of the area have been described as Suleimi soil series, vertisol with moderate fertility, due to high contents of smectitic clays, brown in colour, quite uniform and alkaline in reaction (pH ranged between 7.7 and 8.7). They are non-saline non-sodic, containing about 55 clay, 17 silt and 28% sand with a saturation of 61.5%, field capacity (FC) of 43.7%, welting point (WP) of 22.4% and available water content was 21.3%11. Guneid climate is classified as semi-arid with a maximum temperature of 43°C, relative humidity ranges between 19 to 80% and annual rainfall was 282 and 267 mm during two growing seasons respectively11.

Experimental design: The experimental design for the plant cane experiment was a factorial (2×4 factorial in RCBD) with four replications. The treatments involved three levels of water deficit before rainfall; WDI1: 30 days, WDI2: 50 days, WDI3: 30 days and after rainfall; WDI4: 30 days, WDI5: 50 days, WDI6: 70 days compared with control WDI0: 12 days, replicated four times. The field experimental unit size was 112.5 m2 (15m×7.5m) composed of five ridges.

Crop water requirement: Sugarcane Co 6806 cultivar was planted on the month of December. Furrow irrigation was used for the experiment and a parshal flume version 3.0 software was used to measure the quantity of water entering the field plots. The reference evapotranspiration (ET0) for the Guneid area was computed using the FAO-Penman-Monteith approach computed using the equation as described by Jangpromma et al12:

CWR= ET0×kc

Whereas; CWR is crop water requirement (mm/day-1), ET0 is reference evapotranspiration under specified conditions and kc is the crop coefficient. The computation of the actual evapotranspiration (ETa) in mm/day for each month of the growing season was done upon entry of meteorological data. Cane yield and quality parameters: Cane yield parameters were recorded; stalk height (cm), stalk diameter (cm), stalk population and the juice quality parameters including sucrose percent pol (%), purity (%) cane and fiber (%) were determined from juice analyzed according to ICUMSA methods of analysis13. Moreover, cane yield (tc/ha) and sugar yield were calculated.

Water productivity (WP): Water productivity is one way of irrigation performance indicators. It can be calculated according to the equation13:

Statistical analysis: The collected data were analyzed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique to evaluate the differences among treatments. Means were separated using the least significant difference (LSD) at a 5% level of significance. All statistical analyses were performed using Statistic 8.0-user guide-version 2.0 software USDA, NRCS March, 2007 USA.


Crop water requirements (CWR): The length of the rainy season is related to the duration of the rainy season received by plants and irrigation needed to meet plant water requirements and production estimates. The average rainfall to support high productivity is 1100-1500 mm/year with equitable distribution. Evapotranspiration during the growth of sugarcane ranges from 800 mm to 2000 mm14. According to Vicente et al.15 evapotranspiration is the main component of water loss to the atmosphere in a water balance, which is the relationship between canopy temperature and soil water potential. Table 1 shows the climatic data of the experimental area for the years 2017 to 2020. Table 2 shows the water requirements of sugarcane as a plant cane during the irrigation seasons. According to Vicente et al.15, evapotranspiration is the main component of water loss to the atmosphere in a water balance, which is the relationship between canopy temperature and soil water potential. So that, results indicated that the highest period of sugarcane water needs was the mid-season stage with water requirements that ranged from 4.7 to 9.3 mm/day, This is followed by the late season stage with a value of 4.3 to 6.40 mm/day water requirements, the development stage with 3.7 to 7.30 mm/day and the initial stage with 2.9 mm/day to 3.2 mm/day, respectively. The effective rainfall (Re) was recorded in the months of June to October, the values ranged from 11 to 124 mm. The results also indicated that the actual evapotranspiration (ETa) reached a maximum value in the months of April and May. A similar trend was reported by Elbasheir et al.11 and Abu Alama et al.16. Therefore, the seasonal water requirement for sugarcane as plant cane was the highest amount at periods of sugarcane water needs at the mid-season stage.

Effect of water deficit on cane yield and quality of sugarcane: Effect of water deficit on cane yield and quality of sugarcane: Experimental results data in Table 3a-b and 4a showed there was no significant (p<0.05) difference between water deficit treatments that were applied before and after rainfall in all cane yield and quality parameters. Mean while, Table 3b showed significant differences between water deficit treatments in cane yield parameters of cane length stem diameter and cane yield. So the poor irrigation interval can lead to the development of crop water deficit and result in a reduced yield due to water and nutrient efficiency17.

Table 4b showed that there was no significant difference between water deficit treatments on cane quality parameters of pol (%) cane, purity (%) cane and fiber (%). WDI1: 30 days treatment recorded significantly the highest cane length value the highest number of millable stalks (×1000 ha-1) and significantly recorded the highest cane yield compared to the other treatments. Rao et al.7 concluded that soil moisture stress/drought affects cane yield and cane quality. Especially formative stage of this crop (45-150 DAP) is the most sensitive stage to moisture stress and coincides with the summer period, depending on planting time.

Table 1: Climatic data of the experimental area for the years 2017-2020
Climatic data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Annual
2017 Maximum temperature (°C) 36.5 33.8 38.8 42.2 41.1 40.8 37.9 34.8 34.4 37.6 36.4 35.5
Minimum temperature (°C) 18 15.8 18.8 25.3 25.1 25.4 24 23.1 22.8 21.9 19 17.6
Relative humidity (%) 43.2 25.6 18.5 20.9 43.8 50.7 64.2 76.4 75.4 54.7 37.9 48.7
Wind speed (m/sec) 2.5 2.2 2 2.2 2.4 4.4 4.2 3.3 3.1 1.3 5.8 4.8
Evaporation (mm) 13.7 15.6 19.8 22.3 17.3 17.8 14.6 8.9 7.3 11.1 14.7 12.7
Rainfall (mm) - - - - 22.5 20.9 23.8 107.2 42.3 46.8 - - 263
2018 Maximum temperature (°C) 31.9 38.5 39.9 40.6 42 39.1 35.8 33.8 36 38.4 36.9 34.3
Minimum temperature (°C) 14.4 20.3 19.8 21.2 25.8 24.4 23.5 22.7 21.9 22.3 18.3 15.8
Relative humidity (%) 39.6 36.9 25.3 18.5 33.2 58.7 69.9 79.3 71.9 53.5 31 37.2
Wind speed (m/sec) 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.7 2.5 4.3 3.5 2.1 2.4 1.3 1.4 1.8
Evaporation (mm) 12.9 16.7 19.7 22.8 21 17.2 11.9 6.5 7.6 12 15.2 13.6
Rainfall (mm) - - - - 3.1 64.4 88.2 69.4 57.1 - - - 282
2019 Maximum temperature (°C) 36.1 36.1 37.5 41.7 43.1 38.5 37.4 32.7 34.9 35 37.2 33.9
Minimum temperature (°C) 17.2 19.1 18.8 22.5 25.7 24.4 23.5 22.8 23 22.1 18.8 15.1
Relative humidity (%) 41.7 32.2 23.1 19.7 30.7 60.2 68.6 80.6 76.6 70.2 42.6 41.6
Wind speed (m/sec) 1.9 2.1 1.9 1.7 2.4 4 4 2.5 2.8 1 1.1 1.5
Evaporation (mm) 14.4 16.8 18.1 22.8 22 20.9 16.9 6.7 6.4 6.4 12 12.1
Rainfall (mm) - - - - - 15.6 43.4 129.7 69.7 8.4 - - 267
2020 Maximum temperature (°C) 31.6 33.5 37.9 41.4 42.6 41.5 37.1 33.2 34.3 38.5 36.6 35.6
Minimum temperature (°C) 12.8 14.4 24.8 22 25.6 24.9 22.2 20.1 22.7 24.7 18.3 16.4
Relative humidity (%) 37.2 32.7 24.1 22 31.3 47.4 67.4 83.1 76.9 62.3 41.3 44.1
Wind speed (m/sec) 1.8 2 1.9 1.7 1.8 3.7 4.5 2.6 3.8 1.4 1.4 1.4
Evaporation (mm) 13.2 14.7 23.9 18.9 17.9 18.2 18.2 6.3 7.2 11.2 14.4 12.8
Rainfall (mm) - - - - - - 33.5 142.1 15.4 - - - 191

Table 2: Crop water requirements and rainfall (mm) during growing seasons
Date Age CWR 1st CWR 2nd Fall 1st Fall 2nd 30 day 50 day 70 day 12 day 30 day 50 day 70 day
15/12 1 2.9 3 Water deficit interval before fall
01/01 15 3.2 4
151 30
01/2 45 3.7 4.3
15/2 60
01/3 75 4.3 4.8
15/3 90 3
01/4 105 7.3 6 2
15/4 120 I
01/5 135 9.2 8.7
15/05 150 0
16 165 8.4 9.3 67 11 Rainfall (mm)
15/06 180
17 195 6.6 9.2 88 45
15/7 210
01/8 225 6.1 8.8 69 124
15/8 240
01/9 255 5.9 6.8 57 66
15/9 270
01/10 285 4.7 5 Water deficit after fall
15/10 300
01/11 315 4.8 5.3 4
15/11 330 5
01/12 345 4.3 5.4 6
15/12 360
01/1 375 5.5 6.4
15/1 390
01/2 405 Dry off Dry off
15/02/2019 420

Table 3a: Effect of water deficit before and after rainfall on cane yield components
Height (cm) Thickness (cm) Population (1000/ha)
Treatment (WDI) 1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season
Before rainfall 251.0a 210.0a 2.36a 2.36a 107.5a 105.0b
After rainfall 249.0a 198.0a 2.31a 2.31a 105.0a 92.0a
Mean 250 204 2.34 2.34 106.25 115
CV (%) 10 11 5.81 5.81 9.0 15.0
LSD (p<0.05) 18 29 0.1 0.1 7.5 5.0
Means sharing the same letters do not differ significantly at a 5% level of significance, WDI: Water deficit intervals, CV (%): Coefficient of variance and LSD: Least significant differences

Table 3b: Effect of water deficit before and after rainfall on cane yield components
Treatment Height (cm) Thickness (cm) Population (1000/ha)
(Intervals) 1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season
12 days 264.0a 222.0a 2.44a 2.10b 105.0a 122.50a
30 days 258.0a 216.0a 2.28b 2.16ab 107.5a 117.5ab
50 days 246.0ab 200.0ab 2.38ab 2.20ab 105.0a 105.0bc
70 days 232.0b 177.0b 2.29b 2.29a 105.0a 95.0c
Mean 250.0 204.0 2.34 2.18 105.6 110.0
CV (%) 10.00 11.00 5.81 6.01 9.0 15.0
LSD (p<0.05) 25.00 23.00 0.14 0.14 8.0 17.5
Means sharing same letters do not differ significantly at a 5% level of significance, CV (%): Coefficient of variance and LSD: Least significant differences

Table 4a: Effect of water deficit before and after rainfall on sugarcane quality
Pol (%) Purity (%) Fiber (%)
Treatment 1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season
Before rainfall (WDI) 11.4a 11.6a 86.24a 86.09a 18.0a 17.93a
After rainfal (WDI) l11.4a 11.4a 85.41a 85.91a 18.3a 18.14a
Mean 11.4 11.51 85.82 85.10 18.14 18.03
CV (%) 3.89 7.22 3.35 5.50 4.16 4.12
LSD (p<0.05) 0.33 0.67 2.11 4.46 0.56 0.27
Means sharing the same letters do not differ significantly at a5% level of significance, WDI: Water deficit intervals, CV (%): Coefficient of variance and LSD: Least significant differences

Table 4b: Effect of water deficit before and after rain fall on sugarcane quality
Pol (%) Purity (%) Fiber (%)
1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season
12 Days 11.6a 11.5a 84.70bc 84.70a 18.0a 17.8a
30 Days 11.4a 11.8a 83.85c 86.87a 18.1a 18.1a
50 Days 11.6a 11.6a 86.98ab 87.45a 18.6a 18.0a
70 Days 11.2a 11.1a 87.77a 84.96a 18.0a 18.3a
Mean 11.5 11.5 85.82 86.00 18.1 18.0
CV (%) 3.9 7.2 3.35 5.50 4.2 4.1
LSD (p<0.05) 0.46 0.87 2.99 4.97 0.79 0.78
Means sharing same letters do not differ significantly at 5% level of significance, CV (%): Coefficient of variance , LSD: Least significant differences and Treat.: Treatments

In general, moisture stress in soil affects cane yield by reducing photosynthetic leaf area, number of tillers, number of millable canes, length and girth of cane and finally the weight of individual cane7. The WDI1 treatment cane age before rainfall (WDI1 treatment) has significantly (p<0.05) increased cane and sugar yield when compared with other treatments due to the fact that deficit irrigation with a low level of water stress at tillering (WDI1) increases sugarcane plant numbers18. Moreover, water deficit during the mid-season stage when water deficit treatments were applied after rainfall significantly (p<0.05) decreased cane and sugar yield when compared to other treatments. This could mainly be due to the fact that the mid-season stage is most sensitive to water stress17. Generally, drought-tolerant canes maintain a higher relative water content than susceptible canes19.

Table 5a:

Effect of water deficit before and after rainfall on sugar and cane yield

TSH (ton/ha) TCH (ton/ha)
Treatment 1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season
Bfore fall (WDI) 9.70a 6.98a 114.4a 82.36a
Ater fall (WDI) 8.93a 7.30a 105.3b 86.08b
Mean 9.3 7.15 109.8 84.23
CV (%) 12.50 16.03 9.88 11.00
LSD(p<0.05) 0.85 1.03 7.98 5.74
Means sharing the same letters do not differ significantly at a 5% level of significance, WDI: Water deficit intervals, TSH: Total sugar per hectare and TCH: Total cane per hectare, CV (%): Coefficient of variance and LSD: Least significant differences

Table 5b: Effect of water deficit before and after rainfall on sugar and cane yield
TSH (ton/ha) TCH (ton/ha)
1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season
12 Days 9.98a 8.25a 116.1a 96.75a
30 Days 10.20a 8.38a 1120.65a 94.75a
50 Days 9.00ab 6.83b 114.6b 79.7b
70 Days 8.10b 5.2c 78.36b 64.58c
Mean 9.3 7.15 97.95 83.93
CV (%) 12.5 16.03 9.88 12.61
LSD (p<0.05) 1.2 1.2 11.28 11.13
Means sharing the same letters do not differ significantly at a 5% level of significance, TSH: Total sugar per hectare,TCH: Total cane per hectare, CV (%): Coefficient of variance and LSD: Least significant differences

Soil moisture stress affects cane quality in terms of percent sucrose and purity, besides aggravating certain pests and disease problems7. Cane and sugar yield were affected significantly (p<0.05) with decrease in cane and sugar yield when water deficit irrigation treatments were applied Table 5(a-b). This was agreed with Rao et al.7, who had reported, that water stress affects the rate of water absorption, biomass accumulation and structural plant growth and changes the assimilation and sucrose accumulation. Therefore, water deficit conditions show a negative response toward biochemical and physiological processes20. The combined analysis of two seasons and for water deficit before and after rain-fall showed non-significant difference in growth, yield and quality paramerters Table 6(a-b) while in seasons there was a significant difference in TSH (Table 6c).

Effects of water deficit on sugarcane due to reduction in yield: Sugarcane yield was affected by water deficit as shown in Table 7. Low yield was observed when WDI3, WDI6, WDI2, WDI5 and WDI4 treatments were applied. Cane yield had a positive effect when water deficit treatment WDI1 (30 days before rainfall) was applied at the plant age of four months. Thus, plants having different growth patterns result in different cane yields8. Increasing the plant’s ability to hold water and improve productivity under water deficit as Wasson et al.19 they were reported that the distribution of the root schemes depended strongly on the soil moisture. Moreover, Jangrunklang et al.20 reported that longer roots in response to drought are important for plant resistance to drought.s Effect of water deficit on sugarcane water productivity: Table 8 shows the effect of water deficit on sugarcane water productivity. High values of water productivity were recorded when water deficit treatments were applied before rainfall, WDI1 (30 days) and , WDI2 (50 days), followed by WDI4, WDI0, WDI5, W DI3 andWDI6. Yield reduction was not significant (p<0.05) when compared with the benefits of saved water. Ayana21 reported that deficit irrigation saved significant irrigation water without significant yield losses.

Table 6a: Combine analysis factor A (WDI before and after fall)
Treatment (WDI) Height (cm) Thick.(cm) Pol (%) Purity (%) Fiber (%) TCH TSH
WDI before fall 229.16a 2.26a 11.57a 85.75a 17.98a 94.05a 8.02a
WDI after fall 224.71a 2.25a 11.39a 85.95a 18.20a 92.83a 7.83a
Mean 226.94 2.26 11.49 85.850 18.10 93.43 7.93
CV (%) 10.3 5.90 5.63 4.63 3.83 11.82 14.34
LSD (p<0.05) 16.6 0.07 0.3248 1.9968 0.35 5.55 0.58
Means sharing same letters do not differ significantly at a 5% level of significance WDI: Water deficit intervals, TSH: Total sugar per hectare, TCH: Total cane per hectare, CV (%): coefficient of variance and LSD: Least significant differences

Table 6b: Combine analysis factor B (Irrigation deficit)
Height (cm) Thick.(cm) Pol (%) Purity (%) Fiber (%) TCH TSH
12 days 243.1a 2.3a 11.5ab 84.45a 17.8a 102.75a 8.75a
30 days 236.8ab 2.2a 11.6a 85.37a 18.0a 104.0a 5.63a
50 days 223.2b 2.3a 11.6a 87.22a 18.3a 88.75b 9.0b
70 days 204.6c 2.3a 11.2b 86.36a 18.1a 78.25c 6.5c
Mean 226.9 2.3 11.5 85.85 18.1 93.5 8
CV (%) 10.3 5.9 5.63 4.63 3.8 11.8 14.3
LSD (p<0.05) 16.6 0.09 0.46 2.82 0.49 7.85 0.8
Means sharing same letters do not differ significantly at a 5% level of significance, TSH: Total sugar per hectare and TCH: Total cane per hectare, CV (%): coefficient of variance and LSD: Least significant differences

Table 6c: Season analysis on cance and sugar per hectare
Height (cm) Thick .(cm) Pol (%) Purity (%) Fiber (%) TCH TSH
Season 1 250.0a 2.26a 11.5a 85.70a 18.14a 107.50a 8.73a
Season 2 204.0b 2.25a 11.5a 86.00a 18.03a 105.00a 7.15b
Mean 227 2.26 11.5 85.8 18.09 106.25 7.93
CV (%) 10.29 5.9 5.6 4.63 3.83 9 14.34
LSD (p<0.05) 11.74 0.07 0.3248 2 0.35 7.5 0.58
Means sharing same letters do not differ significantly at a 5% level of significance, TSH: Total sugar per hectare and TCH: Total cane per hectare, CV (%): Coefficient of variance and LSD: Least significant differences

Table 7: Effects of water deficit before and after rainfall on cane and sugar yield
Reduction (%)
Treatment TC TS
WDI0 0 0
WDI1 6.7 8
WDI2 -17.3 -16.4
WDI3 -29.4 -25.1
WDI4 -4.8 -4.2
WDI5 -12.3 -11.5
WDI6 -21.9 -27.3
WDI0: Irrigated every 12 days (control), WDI1: Water deficit was 30 days before fall (BF), WDI2: Water deficit was 50 days (BF), WDI3: Water deficit was 70 days (BF), WDI4: Water deficit was 30 days after fall (AF), WDI5: Water deficit was 50 days (AF) and WDI6: Water deficit was 70 days (AF), TC: Total sugarcane and TS: Total sugar

Effect of water deficit on a number of irrigations and water saved: Data on irrigation water applied, saved CWR (m3ha-1\season-1 and water saved (m3) when water deficit treatments were applied before and after rainfall is shown in Table 9. Water saved was in high amount when water deficit was applied before fall WDI2: 50 days and WDI3: 70 days, followed by WDI6, WDI1, WDI5 and WDI4. The yield reduction was small, compared with the benefits gained through diverting the saved water to irrigate other cane with different ages for which water would normally be insufficient under Guniedirrigation practices. However, Bhebhe22, reported no significant difference between the stalk growth obtained between the 6-day and 12-day irrigation interval, the 12-day interval is recommended and could be used for irrigation to save water, resourcesand, inputs and at the same time reap higher yields. The efficiency of water use in sugarcane plants increased at irrigation rates from 56 to 83 kg/mm, which led to an increase in sugarcane yields ranging from 67.8 to 136.1 t/ha/year de23.

Table 8: Effect of water deficit before and after rainfall on water productivity
Treatment CWR m3/ha Total sugarcane Water productivity
(WP) 1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season 1st Season 2nd Season
WDI0 24560a 20490a 108.75b 96.74a 4.4c 4.7bc
WDI1 21390c 17590cd 122.25a 97.75a 5.7a 5.6a
WDI2 20130d 16050e 103.50bc 68.04c 5.1b 4.3b
WDI3 19000e 14850f 86.00cd 60.00c 4.5cd 4.1c
WDI4 22500b 19000b 104.00bc 91.74a 4.6c 4.8bc
WDI5 21440c 18000bc 94.00cd 86.25ab 4.4cd 4.8bc
WDI6 20310d 17040d 86.25d 75.50bc 4.3d 4.4c
Mean 21280 18200 102 81.88 4.8 4.7
CV (%) 1.65 2.88 9.8 14.1 1.65 5.06
LSD (p<0.05) 630 900 5 5.75 0.14 0.42
WDI0: Irrigated every 12 days (control), WDI1: Water deficit was 30 days before fall (BF), WDI2: Water deficit was 50 days (BF), WDI3: Water deficit interval was 70 days (BF), WDI4: Water deficit was 30 days after fall (AF), WDI5: Water deficit was 50 days (AF) and WDI6: Water deficit was 70 days (AF), CWR: Crop water requirement, means sharing the same letters do not differ significantly at a 5% level of significance, CV (%): Coefficient of variance and LSD: Least significant differences

Table 9: Effect of water deficit intervals on number of irrigations applied and water saved
Treatment No. of irrigations applied No. of irrigation saved CWR m3/ha/season Water saved m3/ha/season
WDI0 32 0 22525 0
WDI1 30 2 19488 3037
WDI2 28 4 18088 4437
WDI3 26 6 16925 5600
WDI4 30 2 20750 1775
WDI5 28 4 19719 2806
WDI6 26 6 18675 3850
Means sharing the same letters do not differ significantly at a 5% level of significance WDI0: was irrigated every 12 days (control), WDI1: Water deficit was 30 days before fall (BF), WDI2: Water deficit was 50 days (BF), WDI3: Water deficit was 70 days (BF), WDI4: Water deficit was 30 days after fall (AF), WDI5: Water deficit was 50 days (AF), WDI6: Water deficit was 70 days (AF) and CWR: Crop water requirement

For all watering involved in this area, the amount of water from rain-fall must be taken into consideration as acompmintary irrigation to save the amount of water and reduce the number of irrigation. For future recommendations; water deficit treatments of 70 days before and after rainfall may be avoided in sugarcane irrigation scheduling.


The treatments involved three levels of water deficit before rainfall; WDI1: 30 days, WDI2: 50 days, WDI3: 70 days and after rainfall; WDI4: 30 days, WDI5: 50 days WDI6: 70 days compared with control WDI0:12 days. The results revealed significant effects on cane yield parameters. The quality parameters resulted in no significant (p<0.05) in plant cane crops. Treatment WDI1 gave significantly the highest cane and sugar yield values. However, WDI3 and WDI6 treatments resulted in significantly decreased cane and sugar yield when compared with the other treatments. High values of water productivity were recorded when water deficit treatment was applied before rainfall. Water deficit treatments of 70 days before and after rainfall may be avoided in sugarcane irrigation scheduling.


Water plays a greater role in all developmental stages of crops. Sugar cane grows for more than years (12 months) until harvestand, water plays a vital role in growth if any shortage of water or overlogging during rains leads to a reduction in quality and quantity. This research is conducted to evaluate the effect of water deficit caused by wide intervals before and after rainfall on yield, qualityand , water productivity of plant cane. Results revealed significant effects water deficit caused by wide intervals before and after rainfall on cane yield parameters. High values of water productivity were recorded when water deficit treatment was applied before rainfall. Water deficit treatments of 70 days before and after rainfall should be avoided in sugarcane irrigation scheduling.


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How to Cite this paper?

APA-7 Style
Elbasheir, H.A., Yagoub, S.O., Mukhtar, S.A. (2024). Effect of Water Deficit on Yield, Quality and Water Productivity of Sugarcane . Trends in Applied Sciences Research, 19(1), 93-103.

ACS Style
Elbasheir, H.A.; Yagoub, S.O.; Mukhtar, S.A. Effect of Water Deficit on Yield, Quality and Water Productivity of Sugarcane . Trends Appl. Sci. Res 2024, 19, 93-103.

AMA Style
Elbasheir HA, Yagoub SO, Mukhtar SA. Effect of Water Deficit on Yield, Quality and Water Productivity of Sugarcane . Trends in Applied Sciences Research. 2024; 19(1): 93-103.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Elbasheir, Haitham, Ageeb Mohammed, Samia Osman Yagoub, and Salaheldin Ahmed Mukhtar. 2024. "Effect of Water Deficit on Yield, Quality and Water Productivity of Sugarcane " Trends in Applied Sciences Research 19, no. 1: 93-103.